Ready to Stand Out for Incredible Client Results & Make Money Doing Work You Love?
Let's Get Started!

It's time to get results for you and your Clients...
Dianah, and her Thought Work Institute is dedicated to helping students (and their Clients), transform from the inside out. We offer much more than coaching techniques that help people experience temporary behavior change and emotional coping; instead our program focuses on helping BOTH our students and their clients make lasting, transformational shifts by getting to the source of their desired results ... their programming.
We are the only coaching school offering the life-changing Rapid ReprogrammingTM Coaching Program. The foundations of this program, based in neuroscience, have been around for centuries, and have been proven to help bring lasting change in all areas of a Client's life. Using Rapid Reprogramming and other Thought Work techniques we help Coaches not only uplevel their Client's Results ... but their own.
What we know for sure is, if you want the life and business of your dreams, you have to hold the programming that supports it.
When you have Mastery in Coaching, Business, and Mindset, your success is inevitable!
What is the Rapid Reprogramming™ Coaching Program?
RRCP is a proprietary and pioneering subconscious healing program that has changed the face of Transformational Coaching everywhere - allowing for quick, lasting, and transformational Client results.
This life changing program is founded in neuroplasticity, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, and Cognitive Behavior (CBT). It is different than most programs out there as it gets directly to the source of the Client's blocks, limitations, even pain.
The Rapid Reprogramming TM coaching program uncovers and releases the subconscious programming proven in years of Clinical research to account for 95% of your Client's actions, reactions, feelings, and results.
Watch the free Training!
Are you a new or struggling coach ready to sell out your Coaching as the BEST Coach in the business?
Work with Dianah ...

I am ready to become the best Coach in the Business as a Certified Rapid Reprogramming Coach.

I am ready to make consistent 5-10k months in my Coaching Business.

I am ready to maximize my own success and life satisfaction as I heal on the deepest subconscious level
Why Others Are Saying
“Rapid Reprogramming is life changing”

"Dianah's method for retraining your brain brings freedom and peace. The [RRM] process works in all kinds of scenarios and all stages of life in general."
"This work is life altering. I just recently started and it's already making a huge difference in how I am seeing myself and people around me. I am no longer worrying about what other people think and what I say and do. A huge sense of freedom"
"After doing this work, I almost instantly secured a job with twice the salary that I had been making. I know getting rid of my subconscious blocks made that happen"
"I can not tell you how much I love the LOVE [RRM] process. If you aren't doing it, DO IT!"
"When I started using the RRM process with Dianah, I really didn't know what to expect. I can honestly say now, the results far exceed what I expected. I have never felt more confident and free. My relationship with my husband has improved and I actually feel excited to wake up in the morning. Something I didn't think was possible "
"I used to think I needed a lobotomy to get any kind of peace. Now I know I just needed to train my own mind and get rid of the old stories. I've never felt such peace. And I now know peace is possible for anyone."

Meet Dianah
founder of the Thought Work Institute - dedicated to training and mentoring Coaches in leading edge brain based techniques and Business strategies. Dianah has been a practicing coach for nearly a decade and helped hundreds of people using the very techniques taught inside the Institute.
After years of coaching and advanced study in neuroplasticity, Neurolinguistic Programming, Subconscious Reprogramming, Hypnotherapy, and Metaphysical Sciences Dianah created the proprietary Rapid ReprogrammingTM Coaching Program that has produced consistent, life-transforming results. Now, she trains others to add these transformative techniques to their own practice and scale their dream coaching business to 6 figures and beyond...using the exact system that led to her building a 6 figure, fully booked practice in her first full time 9 months in business.